正在瀏覽這個版面的使用者: 沒有註冊會員 和 4 位訪客
cocacola99 寫: pity that i have the cd version of this one..................maybe consider to get a sacd version then
Raymond Wan 寫:pc6899 寫: Raymond兄, 請指教吓pc6899 寫:Raymond兄, 想請問你如果我想將屋企D CD全部 Rip落電腦到存檔,
有咩簡單又keep到靚聲既方法呢 (最好係Free software啦 )
我而家只係將CD轉入i-tunes到, 匯入設定為AIFF / 自動, 唔知有無錯呢
Ripping CD and store to Computer is easy.
You can use the following free software for ripping CD:
(1) Exact Audio Copy (EAC) --> http://www.exactaudiocopy.de/
(2) dBpoweramp --> http://www.dbpoweramp.com/cd-ripper.htm
(3) i-tunes --> http://www.apple.com/itunes/download/
You can choose AIFF or FLAC or WAV format.
I suggest you to use either AIFF or FLAC as they can allow you to embed the meta data (i.e. album art, artist, etc.)
You can use foobar 2000 to play them (sound quality better than i-tunes):
Foobar 2000 --> http://www.foobar2000.org/download
If you want to edit the meta data, you can use the Mp3Tag
I only know the simple tasks under Windows.
I do not have experience on Mac OS.