I want to rate this movie. However, the story was too interesting that it took my attention away from picture and sound quality.
劍雨 is a must watch movie for 2010!
正在瀏覽這個版面的使用者: 沒有註冊會員 和 2 位訪客
lhk 寫: 本來諗住download都廢事,完來係好嘢!
bobby chu 寫:lhk 寫: 本來諗住download都廢事,完來係好嘢!
Rookie 寫:lhk 寫: 本來諗住download都廢事,完來係好嘢!
Originally, I didn't have any expectation on this movie.
Now, I still really don't know why I want to watch it again. I mean if I can find the time to do so.
Rookie 寫: I want to rate this movie. However, the story was too interesting that it took my attention away from picture and sound quality.
劍雨 is a must watch movie for 2010!
新奇仕 寫:Rookie 寫:lhk 寫: 本來諗住download都廢事,完來係好嘢!
Originally, I didn't have any expectation on this movie.
Now, I still really don't know why I want to watch it again. I mean if I can find the time to do so.
【桃花庵歌】唐寅 / 唐伯虎